Anchored by the Classic Learning Test
Anchored is published by the Classic Learning Test. Hosted by CLT leadership, including our CEO Jeremy Tate, Anchored features conversations with leading thinkers on issues at the intersection of education and culture. New discussions are released every Thursday. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
Anchored by the Classic Learning Test
Anthony Bradley On Mass Incarceration
Dr. Anthony Bradley, professor of religious studies and director of the Center for the Study of Human Flourishing at The King’s College NYC, joins Jeremy to discuss the problem with overcriminalization and why criminal justice reforms have often proven difficult—he discusses the ways in which civic institutions can avert people's continued entry into the criminal justice system while also reducing recidivism rates. Additionally, Anthony explores the role of fatherhood and the research he has conducted that illustrates its role not only in positive social outcomes and academic development, but also within other categories that are not immediately apparent. Send questions or comments to anchored@cltexam.com.
Host Jeremy Tate @JeremyTate41
Guest Dr. Anthony Bradley @drantbradley
Ending Overcriminalization and Mass Incarceration: Hope from Civil Society