Anchored by the Classic Learning Test
Anchored is published by the Classic Learning Test. Hosted by CLT leadership, including our CEO Jeremy Tate, Anchored features conversations with leading thinkers on issues at the intersection of education and culture. New discussions are released every Thursday. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
Anchored by the Classic Learning Test
Ali Ghaffari On Leadership And Classical Education
LCDR Ali Ghaffari is an F/A-18 pilot, Associate Director of the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership at the United States Naval Academy, and the founder of Divine Mercy Academy, a classical liberal arts school formed in the Catholic tradition. He joins Jeremy to discuss his academic journey and the educational experiences that led him to not only discover and favor classical education for its formative nature, but also to found a classical school. He also discusses the ways in which the classics can enrich and inform leadership development.
Host Jeremy Tate @JeremyTate41
Guest LCDR Ali Ghaffari
Divine Mercy Academy